Elan Webinar - March 20th, 2025

Featuring a polycentric design for stability during stance and an adjustable extension assist spring to provide swing control, the Child’s 4-bar Knee is a durable and lightweight paediatric knee designed for active children.

Available with a choice of proximal adapters including a Standard Socket Alignment Kit allowing for A-P shift, rotation and flexion, extension, adduction and abduction. A Lamination Socket Adapter Kit allows for A-P shift and is ideal where a minimal build height is required. All alignment adjustments can be made using the easily accessed single bolt.

The knee comes complete with a 25mm lightweight carbon fibre tube and 3 different extension springs for optimal fitting.

Child’s 4-Bar Knee Clinical Evidence Reference

Improvements in Clinical Outcomes using four-bar, polycentric knees compared to monoaxial knees

  • Safety
    • Increased mean prosthetic minimum toe clearance2,4, reducing the likelihood of tripping.
    • Fully satisfies stance phase stability3
  • User satisfaction
    • Acceptable cosmetics for knee disarticulation amputees and trans-femoral amputees with long residua1
    • Meets all the design requirements for paediatric patients3


  • Full Reference Listing
    1. De Laat FA, van Kuijk AA, Geertzen JH, et al.
      Cosmetic effect of knee joint in a knee disarticulation prosthesis. J Rehabil Res Dev 2014; 51: 1545.
    2. Sensinger JW, Intawachirarat N, Gard SA.
      Contribution of prosthetic knee and ankle mechanisms to swing-phase foot clearance. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 2012; 21: 74–80.
    3. Andrysek J, Naumann S, Cleghorn WL.
      Design characteristics of pediatric prosthetic knees. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 2004; 12: 369–378.
    4. Gard SA, Childress DS, Uellendahl JE.
      The influence of four-bar linkage knees on prosthetic swing-phase floor clearance. JPO J Prosthet Orthot 1996; 8: 34–40.

Child’s 4-Bar Knee Documentation