Holter Lake Wake Surfing Event for Prosthetic Users
Posted on Monday, July 18, 2022

Holter Lake in Helena, Montana Wake Surfing Event a 'Confidence Booster' for Prosthetic Users
Blatchford assists in community building efforts to boost confidence for prosthetic users. Seen in this photo, a pediatric patient on a Blatchford Blade XT for the first time.
Over 10 people with with limb loss, limb difference, and other physical challenges gathered Friday at Holter Lake for an adaptive wake surfing clinic.
The event was hosted by local orthotic and prosthetic care provider, Hanger Clinic and prosthetic manufacturing company, Blatchford.
“The biggest thing we want to do today, right is build community for these patients and get them out and show them something that they might never ever have an option or access to doing it. And so, you know, getting their friends and their families and these patients behind these, these boats with the Hanger prosthetics and the Blachford technology. It's just, it's really a special day to be able to give them back something what they may be, might be missing,” Scott Taylor, Blatchford territory manager said.