Blatchford Access (powered by Repatient) is designed to help people pay for the prosthetic care they need.
Posted on Monday, February 20, 2023
Blatchford Access (powered by Repatient) is designed to help people pay for the prosthetic care they need.
The unfortunate truth about prosthetic limbs is that they are not always easily affordable. Technological advances continue to make prostheses more intuitive and better at mimicking the natural gait of the amputee. And while the best technology may be appealing, it may not always be inexpensive.
Luckily, there are solutions for many patients to ensure they are taken care of. The choice in prosthetic shouldn’t be solely limited to the affluent. Everyone that suffers from lower limb loss should have the options available to them for different prostheses and not just wheelchairs. One such solution for patients in the US is Blatchford Access (powered by Repatient).
Repatient provides a flexible payment plan to patients with 0% interest to cover out-of-pocket expenses. Insurance doesn’t always cover everything, and luckily Repatient, a start-up company out of Louisville, is offering people a better way to cover their additional costs.
For many, the ability to set aside thousands of dollars for a potential emergency isn’t an easy ask. Medical expenses are often the least covered bills and end up going into collections costing the patient even more in the long run. Fees on top of fees pile up as the patient is unable to pay the cost of a necessary procedure. Repatient recognised this dilemma, and that’s why they offer a way out using their no fee, 0 interest payment plans so that healthcare can become more affordable.
Blatchford is proud be partnered with Repatient. Through the Blatchford Access program powered by Repatient, Blatchford offers easier healthcare payments for clinicians and patients. Interest-free financing for the patient, and 100% of the healthcare cost paid to the hospital/clinic up front.
Repatient offers flexible terms for all patients and has no patient denials. Ask your Blatchford rep about Repatient!
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