Alfie Wright:
The Para-Powerlifter Who Defied Limits with Tectus®
We often hear stories of athletes overcoming incredible odds to reach the top in sports. Alfie Wright, a Para-Powerlifter in the Paralympics, has a tale about resilience, determination, and the great power of technology.
Alfie's journey isn't your typical sports saga. It's a story of someone who faced significant physical challenges head-on and found a way to rise above them. She had to deal with a left knee injury and a ruptured left Achilles tendon. Despite undergoing multiple surgeries, things weren't getting better. She had chronic sciatica hip pain and walked with an unusual gait, all thanks to a locked KAFO (knee-ankle-foot orthosis).
But here's the incredible part. Alfie's life took a remarkable turn when she got introduced to the Tectus® microprocessor KAFO. This piece of tech was a game-changer. It did more than help her walk; it gave her back the freedom she hadn't felt in 25 years.
Before Tectus® came into her life, Alfie felt she was existing, not truly living. She said...
“I wasn't living, I was existing, and now I'm living. I'm doing what I want - I can go anywhere.”
This newfound freedom allowed Alfie to dive headfirst into para-sports, particularly disabled strongwoman competitions. With Tectus®, she competes in a seated category, which means there is no need to stand while using the brace. In the gym, she can grab her gear independently, no need to ask for help.
The impact of this transformation was deeply emotional for Alfie. She recalls, "The first day I had it, I cried. I cried in the clinic because I hadn't been like that for 25 years. And I was walking like I would've walked before."
But Alfie didn't stop there. She saw Tectus® as her passport to conquer challenges she once thought were impossible. She beamed, "There's nothing that I can't do. I can get up slopes and walk on grass, which I couldn't do before. I can walk on cobbles, which I couldn't do before."
Tectus® wasn't just about navigating flat surfaces; it opened up a world of possibilities. It made staircases a breeze for Alfie, a task that was once an uphill battle. She explained, "I can get up and down the steps with the brace. You have your little fob; you press it, put it into whatever mode, or you can use the actual side of the brace and then climb the stairs. It allows you to climb the stairs like a normal person."
When people asked her about it, she humorously says, "It's tough to explain to folks. They ask if it's a bionic leg; honestly, that's the easiest way to put it. Trying to explain what a microprocessor KAFO (Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis) is a whole different challenge."
For Alfie, Tectus® wasn't just about mobility but about living life to the fullest. It allowed her to fully engage with her family, especially her granddaughter, Willow. Alfie's newfound ability to participate actively in activities with Willow strengthened their bond. She happily shared, "She said she's got her mum back because I can do the things I couldn't. It doesn't stop me. It's limitless."
Alfie's excited about the future, including her daughter's wedding. Tectus® has given her the confidence to walk down the aisle without support and free from the pain that once held her back.
Alfie said, "Without Tectus®, I wouldn't be walking down the aisle unaided, with no sticks, looking great in my dress. So, it's made all the difference to me."
Alfie Wright's journey is a fantastic reminder that with determination and the right tools, there are no limits to what people can achieve, no matter their challenges. Her story is a celebration of resilience and the indomitable human spirit.
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