Jamie - Blade XT:
Jamie became an amputee in September 2016 and received his BladeXT from the Blatchford Clinic in the summer of 2017, enabling him to run for the first time in 14 years!
Jamie became an amputee in September 2016 and received his BladeXT from the Blatchford Clinic in summer 2017 enabling him to run for the first time in 14 years!

BladeXT is the complete solution for active users. It is suitable for everyday use as well as running, cycling and other sporting activities, too. It has been designed so that wearers don’t have to stop and change their prostheses between activities throughout the day.
- Ideal for cross training, running, bat and ball sports
- Controlled acceleration and deceleration
- Ease of alignment incl. A/P slide
- Variable spring stiffness heel wedge
- Heel stiffness adjustment