Mohamed Mirghany

Principle Seating Clinician
I'm Dr. Mohamed Mirghany,
I completed my BEng (Hons) in Medical Engineering at the University of Bradford in 2000, and since then, I've been working hard in the NHS.
My areas of expertise are Wheelchairs and Special Seating, Gait Analysis, Functional Electrical Stimulation, and Medical Engineering Design, which I've been practising since 2005 at Salisbury District Hospital.
I moved to Morriston Hospital in Swansea in 2014, but in 2016, I joined Blatchford as the Clinical Lead for Special Seating. I'm so proud of my team of Seating Specialists who provide top-notch services in the UK and abroad.
In addition, I'm an HCPC registered Clinical Scientist, a visiting University lecturer in Medical Engineering, an active participant in Research and Development, a supervisor for the NHS Scientists Training Programme (STP), and a strong advocate for 24-hour postural management.