Blatchford Retains Northamptonshire NHS Orthotics Contract
Posted on 07 March 2016
Following a competitive tendering process, Blatchford is pleased to announce that it has been re-awarded the contract for NHS orthotic services in Northamptonshire
Blatchford has provided orthotic services to the Northamptonshire area since the service was decommissioned from the local trusts in 2010, and is one of the growing number of services directly commissioned by Clinical Commissioning Groups.
The Northamptonshire Orthotic service offers appointments at Blatchford centres in Kettering and Northampton, as well as many satellite clinics held in health centres and schools across the county.
Julie Croysdale, Regional Manager commented, “We are delighted to have retained this important contract and Blatchford continues to be the only provider of Totally Managed Contracts commissioned directly by the CCGs. To have retained this contract demonstrates the commissioners’ confidence in our ability to make a success of delivering excellent orthotic care. We are looking forward to continuing to improve the service by working collaboratively with our patients, referrers, staff and commissioners.”
Blatchford is pleased to continue to work with the Nene & Corby CCG to deliver a quality service and to build on the partnership that the Blatchford team have established since 2010.