Blatchford is co-ordinating partner in MovAID project
Posted on 08 July 2016

Blatchford is proud to be a co-ordinating partner of the €5.95M Horizon 2020 project MovAiD. MovAiD is a cross-disciplinary project joining a consortium of companies under Horizon 2020 EU Program. It aims at developing technologies assisting manufacturing of intelligent, “passive” and highly personalised kineto-dynamic equipment (Movement Assistive Devices) to enhance or compensate human movements, aiding the disabled, elderly and workers.
To enable manufacturing of the Movement Assistive Devices (MADs) some key objectives need to be met. A Total Body Avatar will be created to store personalised information about the MAD’s user, gathered using state-of-the-art scanning tools. MovAiD will also advance engineering solutions to enable automatic generation of a personalised design of the MADs. To enable fabrication of morphologically- and kineto-dynamically-tailored parts, advanced manufacturing solutions, including additive manufacturing will be developed. Since the design, production and assembly tasks will vary between consecutive MADs, an integration platform for their management will be formed to ensure that the production process is conducted in automated and timely manner.
The long-term vision of MovAiD is to promote development of smart, innovative and low-cost solutions and technologies, with a view on enabling emergence of new-generation Movement Assistive Devices as well as increasing the competitiveness of the European manufacturing industry. Such devices will bridge the gap between exoskeletons and classic orthotic devices, representing highly personalised solutions and featuring morphological and kinematic characteristics tailored the needs of the individual user.
Visit the MovAID website or download the MovAID flyer for more information.
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