Wheelchair Amnesty at Blatchford Leicester NHS Clinic
Posted on 10 January 2017

This January, the wheelchair team at The Specialist Mobility Centre in Leicester encourage wheelchair users and their families to return any unwanted or unneeded wheelchairs, special seating and accessories in a ‘Wheelchair Amnesty’.
Blatchford manages the seating contract for the NHS in Leicester and urges wheelchair users and their families to return any NHS provided wheelchairs and seating they no longer need.
Julie Croysdale, Rehabilitation Manager for Blatchford said, “There are potentially thousands of pounds worth of wheelchairs in people’s homes or garages that are no longer needed, which could be reconditioned to new and recycled to help other clients who desperately need them. Wheelchairs can become lost to the service for a number of reasons, most typically when patients move home or their circumstances change and they do not notify the service of this. Therefore, The Specialist Mobility Centre is asking people to search their homes, sheds and garages this New Year for any unwanted or unneeded wheelchairs, which could be returned to the service.”
Blatchford and the Specialist Mobility Centre have always been committed to ensuring that funding is used for the benefit of service users in every way possible. Recycling and reconditioning has always been an important part of what we do to ensure we make the best use of any equipment purchased.
What type of equipment are we asking for?
We are happy to accept:
- manual wheelchairs
- powered wheelchairs
- specialist seating buggies (used to support children with more specialist postural or mobility needs)
- Accessories such as wheelchair cushions, footrests, armrests, headrests etc.
How will you know if it’s NHS equipment?
There will be an identifying sticker or serial number on the equipment; with wheelchairs this is typically on the frame of the chair under or near to the seat.
We have an experienced team who will be able to tell you if we can make use of the equipment and if not, we will be able to suggest other services or charities that will be able to make good use of the type of equipment you have whether in the UK or abroad.
Wheelchairs can be returned to:
The Specialist Mobility Centre, 17a Meridian East, Leicester, LE19 1WZ
The centre is open from 8.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. For more information, please telephone 0116 282 3500.
Alternatively, to arrange a collection, arrangements can be made with our approved repairer, Clark & Partners Ltd by calling 0116 260 0055.